PowerShell your ServiceManager & ITAM: Intro

Dear All !

Service Manager has a wide range of customers and many people deploy or use it in operations. All those know that Service Manager needs customization and sometimes also development to fulfill the needs of IT organizations.

This blog is the starting point of a series to manage Service Manager with Powershell.

BORING you might be forced to say – but wait – this series differs from all those tons of other blogs out in the wild by a couple of facts i will explain now.

  1. No SMLets – SMLets are still in Beta and the future is unclear
  2. Leverage ScsmPX Modules. Kirk Munroes´s (the Poshoholic :-))  ScsmPX Module is Open Source, is based on Microsofts SCSM-native Modules and extends them with the functions that are missing.
  3. No SMA, Orchestrator, or other SC products just native PowerShell. We know you can call anything from anywhere so automation is  limitless (SMA,SCOR,SCSM, …) but we want to focus on the basics.
  4. Examples will be based on Service Manager and Provance 2014 ITAM, from what i saw in the field but the examples are open so you will be able to adapt them to your needs.

The first entry will be posted soon, so stay tuned.




Update #1: I have attached a screenshot sample in PDF of „How to runa powershell script with parameters with task manager“ because the exampled following are based on that and so you have a easy reference for configuring Task Scheduler.

Run a Powershell Script with Paramaters with task Scheduler